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ZYS was awarded the title of 2024 "Provincial Green Factory" in Henan Province
  • Recently, according to the "Notice on the Evaluation Results of the Construction of the Provincial Green Manufacturing System in Henan Province in 2024" issued by the Henan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Luoyang Bearing Research Institute Co., Ltd. was awarded the honorary title of "Provincial Green Factory". This is another achievement certification obtained by ZYS after passing the "Energy Management System Certification". It is a recognition of ZYS's long-term adherence to energy conservation and consumption reduction, clean production, and green development. It marks that ZYS has taken a new step in the construction of green manufacturing systems such as low-carbon management, energy consumption improvement and resource utilization.

    "Green Factory" is a national selection activity organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. It is divided into national, provincial and municipal levels. It is an authoritative recognition given to enterprises that meet the "green development" requirements. It aims to improve my country's green manufacturing system, comprehensively promote green manufacturing, and help the industrial field achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.

    In recent years, Luoyang Bearing Research Institute Co., Ltd. has continued to improve production efficiency, reduce energy consumption and waste generation, and achieve efficient use of energy through technological innovation, management optimization, and process equipment improvement, with remarkable results. In May, the "High-end Precision Bearing Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Production Line" project of the Precision Bearing Manufacturing Department of Luoyang Bearing Research Institute Co., Ltd. won the second prize in the second "Zero Carbon Zhongyuan Cup" Henan Green Manufacturing Technology Application Innovation Competition, which is a full affirmation of the company's promotion of green and low-carbon technology applications in the bearing industry.

    Being rated as a provincial green factory is a concentrated reflection of Luoyang Bearing Research Institute Co., Ltd.'s full role as a leading enterprise in the bearing industry, its active implementation of the "dual carbon" strategy, and its demonstration of the results of green development and construction. Next, ZYS will take this provincial green factory certification as an opportunity to continue along the direction of digital and green development, enhance energy-carbon construction, actively promote the creation of national green factories, and use practical actions to lead the bearing industry towards a greener and more sustainable future, and help my country's bearing industry develop in a green, low-carbon and high-quality manner.