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Why bearing will be damaged?
2015-07-07 by zysbearing
Only part of the bearing damage in practical applications.
Most of the bearings pumping bad for many reasons - beyond the original estimate of the load, the non-effective sealing, tight fit caused by too little bearing clearance and so on. Any one of these factors factors have their special damage type and will leave special signs of damage. Thus, viewing the shaft bearing damage, in most cases can be found in the possible guide because, by and large, one-third of the guide bearing damage due to fatigue damage, one-third of the additional inducements to poor lubrication, one-third of other contaminants into the insert ball bearing guide due to improper handling or installation.
However, these types of damage and also other related industries. For example, the pulp and paper industry is mostly semi-contamination due to poor lubrication or bearing damage and not due to material fatigue caused.