Home > BLOG > SKF state detection equipment to win the 2010 "Best Product " Design Award

SKF state detection equipment to win the 2010 "Best Product " Design Award
2013-11-06 by seoer4

SKF state detection equipment to win the 2010 "Best Product " Design Award
Not long ago, the Design News magazine's 2010 Design News Golden Mousetrap awards in , SKF condition detection equipment won the 2010 "Best Product " Design Award, and awarded the Golden Mousetrap Award for " Best Product " certificate. We follow the SKF distributor in China, to understand the SKF won the 2010 "Best Product " design award.SKF won the 2010 "Best Product " award for product design include : SKF portable instrumentation equipment status , SKF handheld instrument SKF condition monitoring, simplified mechanical testing equipment .SKF state high precision bearing detection equipment project manager in this state detection instrument SKF won the 2010 "Best Product " Design Award talked about : "We are delighted to have won " Best Product " design award this honor, this honor is SKF years longer state detection instrument competitiveness certainly , SKF condition detection instrument is a suitable device is just starting out preventive maintenance plan or want to supplement existing condition monitoring . their reading is digital, has established standards or Wind turbine bearing backup data by experienced analysts using SKF instrument for further analysis , as well as SKF100 backed by years of knowledge engineering . "Design News magazine has organized Design News Golden Mousetrap Awards for organizing for over 20 years , Golden Mousetrap Award in recognition of the main purpose of the product design and manufacturing engineering innovation efforts . SKF state detection equipment to win the 2010 "Best Product " design award shows SKF Bearing Group engineers a rich imagination and innovation .